
A Beginners Guide to TikTok

Charming female model sending air kiss while making selfie. Adorable young woman in knitted yellow sweater holding phone and taking photo of herself.

In the social media age, it can be hard to keep up. It feels like a new platform is popping up every week! Now, some of them aren’t worth your time, but others have become wildly popular and can provide a wealth of opportunity if you’re able to break in.

One such platform is TikTok, a machine learning social video app with over 100 million monthly users in the United States alone.

With its unique algorithm and plethora of users, TikTok gives you more opportunities than ever to go viral. And to help you get started with the app, we’ve put together this beginner’s guide to TikTok.

How to Use TikTok

Thankfully for those of us who aren’t familiar with the platform, TikTok is simple to use. To make TikTok videos, all you need is your phone and the app. It’s helpful if you also have a clip from a song, movie, or TV show that you plan to use along with your video.

You, of course, have the option to use filters and editing to make something more advanced, but it’s not necessary to gain popularity on the app. It’s more important to be interesting and entertaining than to have effects on your video.

Everything you need is contained within the app itself, including sound bites and tutorials to get started if you’re unsure.

How to Get More Views on TikTok

Once you have the basics down, you can move on to getting TikTok likes, followers and views. As we mentioned before, TikTok is unique in that it’s made to help you go viral. As long as you have good engagement on your videos (by creating funny or helpful content), you’ll gain views and followers naturally.

That said, if you really want to know how to get more followers on TikTok, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep your finger on the pulse of TikTok trends
  • Use the right hashtags in your captions
  • Collaborate with other users
  • Engage with content similar to your own
  • Post your videos at the right time

Some of these can be done as soon as you get started on TikTok, but others, such as posting at the right time, will take some trial and error. You can use a TikTok followers generator to give yourself an initial boost, but organic followers are always better.

Use These Beginner’s Guide to TikTok to Get Started on the Platform

Every social media platform comes with a bit of a learning curve, and TikTok is no different. But by using this beginner’s guide to TikTok, you can jumpstart your TikTok career and start getting the most out of the app right away.

Becoming TikTok famous takes effort and creativity, but if you strike gold, there are no heights you can’t reach.

Looking for more information on building your social media presence? Be sure to check out our blog!

Written by Casim Khalid

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