
A Guide To Help You Figure Out Cool Instagram Names

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If you are someone who is very serious about building an Instagram following, not just a following but a strong one, you should know that the very first step you need to take (and the most important one!) is to come up with an Instagram worthy name; the ultimate perfect username. Because these usernames are not just your identifiers that people can type in their search bars to find you and then add you. Instead, the set the entire tone of your account and the brand you wish to set for yourself. Even if your username is whimsical, edgy, serious or plain old silly; it is you. Your username should be a combination of who you are and how you wish to grab the attention of other Instagram users. Because when you come up with the right username you will hit the jackpot and grab their attention to draw them towards your Instagram account. Other than that, your perfect username is also going to help you define to your users about the content you are offering to them. You might think this is crazy; How can a username do so much with just a few letter? Well, you will be surprised by the power of a creative, cool and catchy Instagram username.


So before you get started with discovering cool Instagram names for yourself, you should be given a set of guidelines. These are not just plain statements but questions that you need to ask yourself. Once you answer them, then and only then you will be able to come up with cool Instagram names to use. They will not just be cool Instagram names then, they will fit you right!

Question number one: Are you being true to yourself?

Now if you are someone who is working so hard to get the right name, of course you are being true to yourself. Otherwise, why would you be going through so much pain and agony. Now, you can simply go with using your actual name. However, you should know that you can still be known as yourself if you are selecting a name that is not literal but it is reflective of who you are and what your personality is. You must remember that even if your name is cool but if it is completely out of your zone and does not match with the content that you are going to upload. It is going to look like you are not being true to yourself. Because your username will just be disingenuous and your followers will be lead on to the wrong path. So, sure you can come up with a ton of cool Instagram names but just remember they depict who you are. And do not lose sight of yourself in the process!

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Question number two: Is the username offensive?

Now many people come up with very offensive content when they just try too hard to appear cool and classy. That is a no-no zone for you. You must absolutely avoid offending Instagram users by leaving out any potential words that are considered offensive. If you are using slangs that you are unfamiliar with and words that you have never used before, you might just evoke the wrong image for yourself. So make sure you know the meaning behind the username words you are considering before you make it your official username on Instagram.

Question number three: Is your username reflecting your feed?

You might be thinking; This question is just a repetition of the first question we asked you to consider. But this question is more direct and when you ask yourself this you should know that if your username includes a hint of the content you are going to upload; you must stay true to that. However, do not always take your usernames too literally for yourself. For example, if you have picked “Amanda Catz” for yourself; you do not need to flood your Instagram account with cat pictures only. “Catz” can be figurative as well. This could just be a silly term that could set the tone of your account as whimsical and silly instead. Just remember to be cohesive, that is all!

Now take your time and stop reading ahead for a moment. Understand these questions and ask yourself these three important questions. This will help you come up with a solid plan. Because ignoring them will simply take you to a path where you will decide a name that just is not right for the sake of being one of those accounts with really cool Instagram names!

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The following section includes further tips that you might need if you are still unable to come up with a list of cool Instagram names for yourself. That is okay, you do not need to get frustrated. A little extra help is all you need to figure out your Instagram name! You should consider these tips to make your username appear like its more creative; not just by the way it sounds but by the way it appears in front of others’ eyes as well!

  1. You can make use of various titles. By titles we mean suffixes such as Sargent, Doctor, Sir, Queen, Professor, Lieutenant and so on. Integrate these titles with your username to come up with cool Instagram names!
  2. You can also use Alliterations. These are just cool ways of spelling proper English words. For example: Catz, Professor Puff, Professor DJ and so on.
  3. You know what pays off the best? Being weird. When you have to be weird with Instagram names you need to relate together random unrelated words. For example, Submarine Dance Warning, Mechanical Brain Muffins and so on.
  4. You can also make use of phrases when you come up with cool Instagram names. These can be three to four words long and can look really attractive to other people. For example, Let’s Run Away, Welcome to Baskerville and so on!
  5. Moving forward with cool Instagram names, you must absolutely go for some puns. Now these puns can be random company or brand names that you have twisted to make them sound funny. For example: Grand Theft Otter which is originally Grand Theft Auto and so on. This will defintitely get you some bonus followings for sure!
  6. Now let’s move on towards references. Your Instagram username could hint towards pop culture, famous stars, novels, writers, theories and so on. For example using The Great Catsby (which is originally the Great Gatsby). See you can pin together a pun and a reference and become the ultimate machine that produces tons of cool Instagram names every minute of the day!
  7. You can also be more innovative and use the trick of pairing a noun and a verb together. This technique is often used when it comes to writing comic book titles as well. So this is not something fairly new but this is something quite clever. For example, Racing Turtle, Big Kids Don’t Cry and so on.
  8. You should also know that less is always more. This means you should not worry about overpowering your Instagram username with more and more words. Sometimes, one single word can set the tone. For example, Madonna. But this one is already taken (By Madonna herself!)

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Now if you have come up with names that have been already taken, there are ways to get around such hassles. Because you should not change your perfect username completely and get disappointed if someone else has already come up with something similar. Do not fret because the following is a list of tips that you should consider when something like this happens. This way you will be able to keep all your cool Instagram names without shedding a tear:

  1. You can add a dot (.) in the middle of the name if it includes two or more words.
  2. You can also make use or underscore character from your keyboard or even a hyphen that you can put between two words or more.
  3. You can go for misspelling your username slightly. This might just make it even cooler. And do not worry, people will not judge your spellings and grammar because they will know this was intentional.
  4. You can also add numbers with your usernames. You should however, go for numbers that are meaningful to you so that it does not appear tacky.

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Well there you go then. By now you must have been able to come up with a long list of cool Instagram names. Just remember that you do not have to hurry up with everything. Instagram is not going anywhere because this platform is hugely successful. So, you have all the time in the world to do each thing perfectly. Because if you start your Instagram account right, you will feel more enthusiastic about the content you will upload. And when you come up with usernames, they will help you give more ideas about what you can upload!

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Good luck with your cool Instagram names then, we hope you find something that suits you!


Written by Clarice

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