
Tips to Help you Find Out If You’re Blocked on Facebook

Everyone Wants to Know Whether or Not They Have Been Blocked

Before we go and talk about how to find out if you’re blocked on Facebook, let’s talk about Facebook itself and what it means to people and the reason behind its success.

Facebook is one of the most popular social media websites in the world. It is estimated that currently Facebook has over 2 billion users! Can you imagine the sheer number of people that is! That is a significant portion of the entire world’s population; that is how many people are on Facebook.

However if we look at Facebook’s history there was no way to have ever known that Facebook would ever get so immensely popular. It was started by a few students in their dorm room at Harvard university. It is safe to say that not even those students knew just how popular it would one day become. The website was initially only made for students of Harvard university to connect and interact with one another. Word spread like wild fire on the college campus and soon almost every other student had a Facebook profile. But soon the word spread to other universities as well. People from other ivy league schools initially started getting invites to Facebook and soon the website spread to almost every college campus in the country. After that, as they say, the rest is history!

It was then that Mark Zuckerberg realized the magnitude of what he had created and set out to work full time on what was initially only a passion project. Now Facebook is a global company and has one of the largest offices in America. Not to mention the fact that they employ thousands of people; what started out as a project by a few undergrad students has turned into a global giant. Today Facebook is probably one of the most successful companies in the world. And arguably the most recognizable company in the world.

While the success of Facebook seems overnight if you ask the people behind it they will tell you it was anything but that. This is because these people spend days and nights completely engrossed in making Facebook into what it is today. They are constantly innovating and making changes to make sure the user experience on Facebook is perfect. When the website was initially launched, they spent months clearing out the bugs and trying to ensure that everything worked perfectly and still ran into a few issues. But today Facebook has thousands of employees working round the clock and monitoring every single thing to ensure that nothing is out of place and that Facebook works wonderfully for everyone using it. Even then as a user of the social media platform you also need to find out if you’re blocked on Facebook, which we’ll soon get to.

Because of the immense popularity of the application, a lot of people started to believe that Facebook would soon start charging for its services. However, the founder of the company Mark Zuckerberg put out a statement ensuring Facebook users that the website will always remain free of charge to its users. In fact they have added this statement to the website’s login page. However, if you look at Facebook and try to figure out how the company makes its money it is fairly obvious. Facebook has capitalized on online advertising and gets a huge sum of its revenue from Facebook advertisements and sponsored posts. This is not however the only way Facebook makes money. Facebook is now officially a company on the stock market and hence it earned a major portion of its revenue from selling stocks on the stock market.

In 2017 alone, the company puts its shares on the stock market and in a matter of minutes made millions of dollars. This was not surprising to anyone since Facebook stock were a hot commodity even before they hit the market since people could not wait to get their hands on them.

The reason Facebook has been so popular amongst its users is because of the fact they have a very strict user policy which they regularly enforce. If something does not meet Facebook’s community standards it will immediately get deleted or reported. If someone posts something harmful or threatening they will immediately get reported and their account might become suspended till further notice. People can secure themselves by blocking you on Facebook but don’t worry there are ways to find out if you’re blocked on Facebook.

Facebook tries to do everything in their power to ensure that their users are safe and no issues arise from user interaction on the website. This is one of the reasons why Facebook has the block option for people. The block option is very popular and very helpful. It can keep people safe and make all the difference in user experience for the website.

When you block someone on Facebook you not only remove them from your profile but also do not see any of their posts they make on Facebook. This is one way to  find out if you’re blocked on Facebook. Other than that even their comments, or messages they sent you will no longer be available for your viewing on Facebook. When you block someone on Facebook it is as if they never existed on the website and that you never interacted with them in the first place. And similarly the person who is blocked cannot see any posts you have made or any comments you have made.

There are a few tricks which will help you find out if you’re blocked on Facebook. Keep reading to find out what these are.

This safeguards you from harm and protects you from the view of these people so you can avoid them. But make sure you use the block option carefully since it will mean you can have no contact with them whatsoever on the website.

Find out if you’re blocked on Facebook by looking at the following tips and tricks to see whether you have been blocked.

  1. Unfriended

The first thing you need to know to find out if you’re blocked on Facebook is whether you have been unfriended or just plain old blocked. If you have been unfriended you will still be able to see the person on Facebook. But to find out if you’re block on Facebook is much harder. If you have been unfriended you can still search the person’s name on Facebook and see their profile. If you have been unfriended this is not as bad as being blocked so you can relax a little since you can send a friend request again or at least see the person on the social media website. if their name still pops up when you search for it on Facebook or search for them in someone else’s friend list that means you have not been blocked. If you had been blocked searching for their name on Facebook would have garnered no results whatsoever.

  1. Check Comments

If you still are not sure whether you have been block and want to find out if you’re blocked on Facebook then you need to go to a post where you are absolutely certain that the person you think has blocked you commented. Once you do this and see that there comment is not there anymore there is a good chance that they might have blocked you. But do not jump to any hasty conclusion to properly find out if you’re blocked on Facebook you need to dig deep and look at several posts where they might have commented on to ensure that they did not merely delete their comment.

  1. Friends List

When you know someone else who was friends with the person, you can go to the mutual friends profile and find out if you’re blocked on Facebook. What you can do is open the person’s friend list and then look for the person you think has blocked you. If you cannot find them then there is a good chance you have been blocked. This is one of the tougher ways to find out if you’re blocked on Facebook but the payoff however is surprisingly accurate.

  1. Ask the Person

If you really want to find out if you’re blocked on Facebook and want to be totally sure this has happened then you need to message the person or someone they know and frankly ask them what has happened. If you think you did nothing and have been blocked unfairly or by accident, it is a good idea just to ask the person yourself and this way you will find out if you’re block on Facebook for sure without any issues.

  1. Login from Another Account

When someone’s account disappears from your Facebook it might not be because they have blocked you but maybe they have just deactivated their Facebook account. Hence you can look for their profile from another account to find out if you’re blocked on Facebook. If there profile is not visible even then, then there is a high chance that you have been blocked by them on Facebook.

Whatever technique you use, we wish you luck in your quest to find out if you’re blocked on Facebook. We hope you find the answer and the result you were looking for. Being blocked by someone hurts so we hope you do not have to experience it. Good luck!

Written by Adeline

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