
Gboard- Your Intuitive Keyboard Solution!

Google Keyboard is more conveniently referred to as Gboard and ever since its latest version 6 has been launched, it has only become more awesome. Gboard feature is something you can use on iPhone as well and of course it is already compatible with the Android smart phone. You might be get surprised to read that Gboard was in fact first released in the Apple App Store solely for iPhone users. The idea behind this was to provide iPhone users with all the features they would like to use on their iPhone but by setting up Google in form of the basic searching tool on your device.

iphone users

Gboard is the most precise and intuitive applications that users have been in using to date. The tool comes pre installed on almost all Android smart phones that are released in recent times however research shows that using Gboard on iPhone is as fun as it is on Android smart phones.

Now that you know the basics about Google Keyboard or the Gboard we will tell you all the reasons as to why one must opt for the Gboard in the first place.

Google Keyboard

What are some of the reasons to opt for Gboard?

The first thing you need to know is that the Google Keyboard application or the Gboard is a lot more than a simple keyboard and there are multiple useful reasons as to why one must opt for it. Moreover it isn’t only compatible with a single smart phone company but it can be used both on Android as well as iPhone.

reasons to opt for Gboard

Another main perk of using Gboard is that you can make use of the glide typing feature rather than having to waste energy to type every alphabet individually which essentially means that you can compile texts much faster and in a much more convenient manner. Also it is worth noting that the accuracy in typing will be perfect.

Also you must note that glide typing not only operates on the texting app but would work on any other app that has the typing function available which will allow you to use Gboard as your keyboard.

Gboard as your keyboard.

Furthermore you will be able to conduct a Google search right within the Gboard without going through the trouble of opening the separate Google web browser. This will demand fill access from within the Gboard app settings after which you will be able to search animated gifs, weather or anything else that a Google Search Engine would otherwise do.

Another useful feature is that you will be able to get the results right beneath the search area designated on the Gboard. Simply tap on the link and you will be able to add it on the message that you are compiling for instance you can even add any animated gif that you want by fetching it from the Gboard.  You can even search for any emoji that you want at any given moment as well.

Another amazing thing about this Gboard app is that you can add voice input as well in addition to other amazing tools and features that we have introduced to you in this article. If typing is something you cannot stop, you will now have the capability to verbally dictate your words Gboard keyboard app.

Gboard keyboard app.

Also if customization of the Gboard is something that you wish to do then you will be amazed by the available themes that the Gboard app has to offer to you. You can create your own customized designs on the keyboard and even use the light or dark default setting. If you don’t like this even then you can opt for any of the landscapes themes.

So folks, is there any reason that you see for not using the Google Keyboard, Gboard? I hope not because Gboard is amazingly fantastic and no one would want to miss out on it.

Written by Cybil

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