
How to Take Your Tech Career to the Next Level

Tech Career to the Next Level

If you have been working in the same tech-based job for quite some time now, you may be starting to feel as though you are capable of so much more. This is a common issue people can face since it’s only natural to want to push yourself and climb the career ladder. If you’re unsure of how to take your tech career to the next level, but you’re also tired of being stuck in the same job, then these tips will prove to be very useful. Here we’ll outline how to take your tech career to the next level filling you with drive, inspiration, and goals.

What Is the ‘Next Level’ for You?

A good place to start in your journey is by defining what the ‘next level’ means for you? What would make you feel happy? What would provide you with the ideal challenge? What are your goals? Once you can pinpoint your career aspirations, then you can work backwards figuring out the path to reach your goal. Leveling up can mean different things for different people. Some examples can include:

  • A salary increase
  • A job promotion at your existing workplace
  • A job promotion elsewhere
  • Changing industries all together

It’s a personal choice, and one that will require some soul searching and honesty. Remember, people, change careers throughout their life so you should never feel boxed in. Don’t be afraid of change; instead, find the paths that appeal to you.

Further Your Education and Boost What You Have to Offer

One common thing that people will discover is that they need to further their education to take their tech career to the next level. The technology field is changing and innovating at such breakneck speeds that it’s hard to stay on top of it all. Employers want candidates who have something to offer and can bring useful skills and current knowledge to the table.

An online MS computer science obtained through a top-notch school like Baylor University could be the ideal solution. The idea is that with this degree you’ll be able to step into an advanced computer science role, thereby allowing you to level up. Employers always appreciate when candidates have experience, but the foundations of education are equally important in senior-level jobs.

Discuss Your Plans with Your Employer

It can be easy to complain about a job and feel like your potential is being overlooked, but here’s an important question to ask yourself – have you made your goals known to your employer? Perhaps they have no idea that you want to level up, and that you’re interested in working your way up in the company.

For many employers, this will come as welcome news, as it’s easier to promote from within than to find all new candidates. It also shows employers that you have drive and passion for the company, something that is seen in a very positive light.

Go ahead and schedule an appointment with your manager/boss or the HR department to discuss potential career paths moving forward, what sort of jobs would be ideal for you, and what skills, experience, and tools you need to be considered for the promotion.

It’s Time for a Major Resume Overhaul

A resume overhaul should also be embraced, as it acts as the first impression potential employers will have of you. You want them to be intrigued and impressed by your resume, prompting them to look deeper and ideally schedule a job interview.

When re-doing your resume, there are some tips that experts suggest, which are as follows:

  1. Keep the resume brief and to the point – ideally, it should be one to two pages in length
  2. Make sure the relevant experience, designations and skills are prominent on the resume
  3. Your contact information should be at the top of the resume, ideally in a larger font so it’s easy to spot
  4. Have someone edit your resume to ensure there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes
  5. Highlight any relevant accomplishments
  6. Use action verbs
  7. Make sure everything you state is honest – don’t exaggerate any facts
  8. Include a customized cover letter, not a standard one you give out to every employer

You want to imagine how your resume will look in a sea of other options – how can you ensure yours stands out?

Brush Up on Trends and Current News

Did you know that it is also helpful to be engaged and informed in terms of what’s happening in technology trends and current news? Sure, this may not be the make-or-break tip that lands you a dream career, but it can certainly help you to be more well-rounded. This means you’ve got more to bring to the table.

Staying up to date on the latest trends will also help you where problem-solving, creativity and critical thinking skills are concerned as you have an idea of what’s happening now and what’s down the pipeline of possibilities.

As part of the quest to be more informed, you may want to attend some industry events, seminars, conferences or even join some professional online groups that focus on sharing knowledge, thoughts, and news.

You Need to Believe in Yourself

The final tip isn’t a tangible one and it can also be the toughest one to accomplish. Learning how to believe in your skills and abilities will make you a much stronger employee no matter the job you are in. Keeping a positive mindset, believing that you deserve to level up and having the drive to keep at it will all prove to be essential in your success. Employers also appreciate an employee who trusts in themselves and is confident. These are even more important when you’re applying for a management position. Embracing each of these tips will help to set you on a course to success. There is no reason to continue feeling trapped in your current job; it’s time to take control and level up your tech career.

Written by Editorial Staff

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