

Most people are looking for new mediums to create and share content. With growing numbers of content creators and influencers in the digital arena, the competition is at an all-time high. You have to be unique and creative with your content to gain followers.

One of the fastest-growing mediums of today is podcasts. Podcasts are a series of conversations you improvise for your audience to make listening more engaging.

There are several reasons for you to start your podcast. You can connect to like-minded individuals, you can use it for business or promotional purposes, you can share stories, and most of all, you can be your very own creative self.

More than half of the US population listens to podcasts every day. There are millions of podcasts available with millions of episodes that contain information about almost everything.

If any of that sounds intimidating, then do not waste more time and start working on your very own podcast now because it is never too late.

The following are seven essential tips that will help you to create your podcast in no time:

  1. Select A Medium For Promotion

Everyone dreams of having their website to share their podcast with their audience, but you will need a reliable platform to promote your podcast as a beginner. Try to promote your podcast on multiple audio and video sharing platforms. Browse through your available choices wisely and use them to your advantage.

YouTube is the fastest platform to promote your podcasts online, and YouTube video podcast makes up for thrice as more streaming time as any other website or online platform. YouTube is also the only platform that will pay you for your podcasts if they get successful in attracting enough audience. You can add paid promotions to your podcasts to make more money.

Similarly, the amount of people who stream audio content on YouTube is more than any other platform. According to reports, YouTube takes almost half of the audio streaming time around the world. There are a few other popular audio platforms where you can promote your products, such as iTunes, Google play music, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Blubbry.

  1. Plan Your Podcast 

Many doubts and questions will keep you from starting your podcast, forget about all these doubts and stick to a plan. You should find the stories, topics, or things that excite you. Gather information about the ideas you are going to share. Do your research on the selected topics to gain some expertise. Improvise from everything you have.

Decide from video and audio podcasts, select the music to add, and start recording. Do not worry about the technicalities and use your essential recording equipment. Select some editing software, and you are good to go.

It is better to consider upcoming trends while picking a topic to stay relevant. Select a suitable title, write a script, schedule your time, choose a length, and finally select a medium where you will publish your first podcast.

  1. Invest In Quality Equipment

Choosing the right equipment can be daunting for many beginners. You can make do with the simple recording equipment, but to make sure your audio is of the best quality, you have to invest in some good quality podcast equipment.

The equipment you would need for a podcast is; recording equipment such as a microphone, pop-up filter, headphones, and audio interface. You will also need the editing equipment such as a sound mixer and some editing software.

You can invest in some expensive items that are not mandatory but can ensure to provide some quality and longevity to your other equipment, such as a pop-filter for your microphone. Buying your podcast equipment is an investment that pays off well for long-term use.

  1. Tips For Recording And Editing

Now that your equipment and content is ready, it is time to record your first podcast. You can use different recording software such as Skype, Virtual Audio, or Audacity. Remember to keep your target audience in your mind and record according to their listening preferences. Do keep your podcast’s length in check and cut out any extra stuff when editing the final product.

Now the next step is editing. Editing is difficult as compared to recording the podcast. You will need some necessary editing skills and some experience in using editing software such as Adobe Audition or Audacity. Add your music and edit a clean final recording with good quality.

  1. Podcast Cover Art 

The cover art for your podcast represents your creativity and passion. It would be best if you had a unique style for your cover art to make it stand out among hundreds of others. You can elevate your title using an attractive cover and add a personality to the audience’s limited visual experience.

Note the standard size and design your cover art by taking some help from a freelance artist or designer. You can also consult your friends who are designers to help you develop something custom and stylish. Avoid intricate design because your cover art appears in a much smaller format in the listening directories.

  1. Content List And Description

As a beginner, you need to captivate your audience. An organized content list can make all the difference when it comes to the podcast listeners. Prepare an enticing content list for your listeners that will help them browse through your podcast details. Add a brief description of your podcast. Add phrases like thoughts of the day today in the podcast, make a list promising enough for your audience to make them stay and listen to your podcast.

Content lists also allow you to add hashtags and keywords. You can use the description box as your little creative space. Play around to give your audience some custom keywords that will make it easy for them to find your podcast.

  1. A Remarkable Outro 

When you reach the end of your podcast episode, the listeners and your regular subscribers will not care much about your outro and will most probably tune out because they are already familiar with your ways. But for a new viewer or a subscriber, it is incredibly vital to the overall first impression as you have to retain that viewer and make him/her your loyal subscriber.


You should always have something to gain the attention of the audience for the next time. Keep some takeaways, end quotes, or anything that the audience can look forward to, and then wrap your show with a bang. Stay enthusiastic until the end and let the audience feel your energy. A tired host is never engaging. Remember your call to action for more subscribers, and do not forget the parting greetings.

Starting a podcast can be a life-changing experience for a passionate person about conversations and sharing their ideas. The conclusion is just to be yourself, enjoy the process until you become a professional, and remember that beginnings are everything you have made up your mind.

Written by Casim Khalid

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