
What Does GRE Target and Why Opt for Exam-Labs Test Prep Courses? Learn These and More from Our Detailed Guide

GRE Test Prep Exam labs Courses


Those who earn advanced degrees understand the importance of being prepared for an opportunity. In fact, the latest report on the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics demonstrates what it means to advance in education. There are openings for employment and higher earnings once you advance your studies and graduate. An assessment called the GRE General can help you with this. This post offers guidance to learners who understand that by taking their education to a higher level, they can better their lives and the lives of those around them. Let’s discover the target of this assessment in improving your chances of landing better opportunities.

What Does GRE Target?

The questions featured by the GRE Practice Test closely examine your ability to think critically so of course, to prepare for this accreditation well, you’d better opt for some test prep courses which will for sure equip you with the right expertise to pass this accreditation with flying colors. Overall, in the final GRE assessment, you’ll be tested in three main areas as described below:

  • Analytical Writing

Your critical thinking, as well as analytical skills, will be the target of this GRE section. The aspects tested here include how you articulate ideas and support more advanced ones using relevant reasons as well as examples. It also evaluates your forte in examining claims as well as accompanying evidence.

  • Quantitative Reasoning

Do you know how your understanding, interpretation, and analyzing capabilities are when dealing with quantitative information? Can you use mathematical models to solve problems? These ones and areas like applying basic concepts of algebra, arithmetic, data analysis, and geometry are what the GRE seeks to establish in you.

  • Verbal Reasoning

The Verbal Reasoning segment focuses on your abilities in analyzing and drawing conclusions from conversations and using incomplete data to reason. It also demands your understanding of several levels of comprehension including figurative, literal, and the intention of the author. Your display of skills in verbal reasoning should also extend to summarizing text, separating main points from the minor points, comprehending words, sentences, and the entire text, and understanding how words relate to each other.

To examine these areas, the GRE Practice Test is structured while considering the expectations of each section. The Analytical Writing segment includes one section divided into two timed tasks. One task is based on analyzing an issue, while the other one aims at analyzing an argument. You’ll have 30 minutes to clear each task. There will be two sections with 20 questions for the Verbal Reasoning portion each, and the time for each section is 30 minutes. The third component on Quantitative Reasoning carries two sections, where each part has 20 questions running for 35 minutes. When it comes to your GRE results, you’ll receive three scores with those for the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning, ranging from 130-170 while the Analytical Writing component scores from 0 to 6. Interestingly enough, after your test, your scores remain valid for 5 years.


So, what goes next after knowing what the target of the GRE Exam-Labs test is? You should now be thinking about how to register for it early enough so that you can be slotted for the exam date you desire. Remember, many candidates across the world apply to take this assessment. That’s why you need to prepare for this exam thoroughly and do everything possible to ace it! Good luck with your prep process!

Written by Staff

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