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in Social MediaCan You Instagram Online With A Computer? Find Out!
We’re more used to of accessing our social media through our cell phones than our desktops in today’s advanced time. More
in Social MediaInstagram Automatic Likes – The Do’s and Don’ts
What does our world depend on in this day and age? Is it simply money and power? Or something more? When the people in the future look back to this time, the first thing they’ll probably look at is the social media profiles of everyone here. More
in Apps, Social MediaLearn How to Grow Periscope Audience and Get Famous Instantly!
When you are trying to connect to people through your social media, posting pictures of yourself has proven to help viewers connect with you. When you post something personal, it gives them an idea of who you are. More
in Social MediaYes! Now you can use Kik app on Mac
There still isn’t an authority Kik application for Mac. There is one for iOS, which isn’t assessed very however in any event it has one. Windows has a Kik application thus does Android however Mac still can’t seem to feel the Kik adore. All isn’t lost however as you can in any case utilize the […] More
in Social MediaThe Discovery of Emoji: What Are Emoji?
Social media applications, well most of them, come with the option for instant messaging and typing comments on the pictures, videos and other posts that you notice. Even when you are off social media, you have the option of sending text messages to other people. These text messages and instant messages used to be […] More
in Social MediaCan You Really See Who Viewed Facebook Profile
If you went to any random grocery store and asked every third person who came in if they had a Facebook account the chances are most if not all of them would say yes. And this fact is not surprising at all because Facebook indeed does have a big user base. Currently Facebook estimates it […] More
in Snapchat, Social MediaLearn How to Easily Reset Snapchat Password
Remember when Snapchat came out and it was all the rage? You and your friends could not stop talking about the new application and everyone wanted to see who was whose best friend on the application and who had the most followers and so many other things. And everyone hailed the man behind Snapchat, who […] More
in Instagram, Social MediaHow to Save Instagram Stories for Later Use
Instagram has been trying to increase its set of features over the years to compete with other social networking platforms. One of the biggest features to come out of Instagram recently was the Instagram Stories. If you’re not familiar with this feature, you’re really missing out. But, you might already be familiar with it if […] More
in Social MediaHow to get rid of the “” error?
Are you also someone who is annoyed by any of these errors? Either the “Unfortunately, the process has stopped” or “ has stopped unexpectedly” errors? If yes then you should know both of these indicate to a common issue which can be fixed with a few troubleshooting steps and this article will guide you […] More
in Social MediaWhat the Canceled YouTube Rewind 2020 Would Look Like
YouTube annually releases an annual round-up video, YouTube Rewind. This has happened every year since 2010. Essentially a highlights reel, Rewind showcases the platform’s top trends, trends, and memories. Because of the challenges and turmoil of the year, YouTube Rewind 2020 has been canceled. Youtube offered a statement that it did not want to depict […] More
in TwitterUse Twitter for Business and Make Your Brand Grow
What do you use Twitter for or believe other people use it for? Is it simply to send out your thoughts into the world, whatever they may be? For social movements started with simple hashtags? Or the many feuds and spats you see between famous people? Maybe you simply use it to follow the lives […] More
in SnapchatGet Snapchat Trophies by using these tips and tricks
Snapchat has taken social media world by storm. With its unique features and functioning, it stands out in every way. People are just so hook to it. It drives them to keep snapping because of its amazing features. The trophies and scores. More