
Get to iOS Jailbreak but with caution!

Jailbreaking is a procedure that modifies step by step each of the upgrade of the iOS. So instead of having you go through new guidelines for each of the update of the iOS, we would give a comprehensive overview of how to jailbreak in general hence if you have a device that runs iOS you have seriously come to the right place.

Not sure if you should jailbreak?

Let’s be honest for a while, many Apple users enjoy jailbreaking their iDevices, but the truth is that it is not for everyone to do. However if you are on the edge that whether you should go for Jailbreaking or not, try reading our reasons for why you should and why you shouldn’t and even better you can read people’s reviews!

So let’s first see what you need to do in order to Jailbreak your iOS?

If you are looking forward or have already decided to jailbreak your iDevice, you should read and follow the steps to exhibit the task successfully:

  1. First of all back up your iOS device and trust us this is the most important thing you need to do. Then go to Settings from where you must go to iCloud, click Backup and choose “Back Up Now”
  2. Then in the next step remove your pass code. Once again go to Settings, click Touch ID & Pass code simply slide the button to disable the pass code if you have already set one.
  3. Then put your iDevice in Airplane Mode for which swipe up your iScreen and access the control center and then simply click the icon for airplane.
  4. Download the software for Pangu. This is the tool which will help you jailbreak. You will also require the services of iTunes hence if you don’t own them, consider installing them.
  5. Once the Pangu tool successfully downloads, open up the app.
  6. Now connect your iOS device to charging.
  7. Once the Pangu has recognized your iDevice, click the “Start” button.
  8. Then press “Already Backup” because you have backed up your device in the start
  9. After sometime your phone will start the rebooting process and Pangu will require you to enable Airplane mode once again so do it and the software will continue working.
  10. Then the Pangu will require you to open up the Pangu app on iDevice. When it opens up, give it permission for access to your photos.
  11. Your iDevice will then finish rebooting one more time. When the rebooting has been done, you should remove the airplane mode, open Cydia and you have finished jailbreaking.

Jailbreaking the iOS device has been a popular activity for those users who always expect much more from their iDevices that they have to offer, though even this has no more favors to offer now. The procedure for then unlocking your iDevice never stays consistent so we think it’s prudent that you know the pros and cons of jailbreaking your iDevice.

Should You Jailbreak Your Device?

The first thing anyone who has even the slightest knowledge over the subject would tell you not to jailbreak your iDevice meaning you shouldn’t even give it a try.

It sounds sad but really you shouldn’t. The jailbreak system once thrived as a community consisting of useful apps and modifications at system level that actually enhanced the features that were lacking in iDevices at that time. Visual enhancements like the Night Mode enabling the screen dimming and Wi-Fi tethering were only available to jailbreakers who were ready to disassemble their iDevice and risk it all to the mercy of jailbroken apps.

Now, Apple has introduced the top rated work of jailbreak into its latest versions of iOS making the jailbreaking process more of a hassle than a disadvantage. According to Motherboard, the jailbreak experts have also let go of the entire jailbreak concept and have shifted to other projects with some of them deciding to work with Apply. The founder of App Store Cydia has also abandoned the process, giving reasons that jailbreak can enable the hacking of phones with malware instead of enhancing the functionality.

Can You Jailbreak?

After Apple introduced the iOS 10.3.3 update, they stopped letting users continue with the lower iOS which were vulnerable to the jailbreaking process.  The famous Callum Jones of Can I Jailbreak, a website that guides you on jailbreaking iOS devices believes that it isn’t a utility. What stands out more is that experts like Luca Todesco have announced publicly that jailbreaking calls for trouble more than it enhances functionality. Todesco announced in his tweet that he is ending his time in researching jailbreak hence the opportunities for downloading Cydia on iDevice would be next to none.

Even the websites like iOS9Cydia and DownloadPangu have announced that the tools for jailbreaking recently however Jones the sites “hijack common names or brands to hit high in search traffic by promising new jailbreaks.” There are multiple factors that go into jailbreaking and Apple is making it more stringent day by day.

Many of the jailbreak programmers have effective donations to support the validity of their work, “Timing is important to jailbreak developers to maximize the impact of their jailbreak,” said Jones. Rapid upgrading and strict measures on security have made hacking of iDevices more difficult and the end result is actually not worth it.

Written by Cybil

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